
Which food contain vitamin-D?

What is vitamin? Vitamin is the group of organic substance that is present in small amount in natural foodstuff. Vitamins are the most important nutrition for our contains carbon an essential nutrient for our body. We get this from foods. A lot of vitamins are essential for our body. Vitamins are of two types of fat soluble vitamin or water-soluble vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the intestinal tract with the help of fats, or lipids. Above we are talking about Vitamin. But do you know about vitamin D Now let us discuss  Which food contain vitamin-D? Some Point about vitamin D & Which food contain vitamin-D? Vitamin D  is the nutrient which our body when a person comes in contact with sunlight. many people intake vitamin-D but it is not naturally present in foodstuffs. High amount of vitamin D present in fish, mushrooms and many other substances. The chemical name of vitamin-D is ergocalciferol a

Benefits of drinking warm water

Benefits of Drinking warn Water : There are many people whose day starts with a cup of coffee or tea. These people also know that empty stomach tea or coffee can cause a lot of damage. But often the habit of drinking something hot in the morning is not easily relieved.  Drinking tea or coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning can cause problems like constipation, stomach pain, gas, acne. So what is there that can replace your tea or coffee and will prove to be healthy as well. So the answer is hot water. To stay healthy it is necessary to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. But only a glass of hot water in the morning can help you a lot. Yes, drinking a glass of warm water every morning has many benefits. So let’s have a look at these advantages List of the benefit of Benefits of drinking warm water lose weight Relief from Make periods easier Body Detox Stop aging Beneficial for hair Keep the stomach fit Keep the circulation of blood correc