Which food contain vitamin-D?

What is vitamin?

Vitamin is the group of organic substance that is present in small amount in natural foodstuff. Vitamins are the most important nutrition for our body.it contains carbon an essential nutrient for our body. We get this from foods.
A lot of vitamins are essential for our body. Vitamins are of two types of fat soluble vitamin or water-soluble vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K.
Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the intestinal tract with the help of fats, or lipids.
Above we are talking about Vitamin. But do you know about vitamin D Now let us discuss Which food contain vitamin-D?

Some Point about vitamin D & Which food contain vitamin-D?

Vitamin D is the nutrient which our body when a person comes in contact with sunlight. many people intake vitamin-D but it is not naturally present in foodstuffs. High amount of vitamin D present in fish, mushrooms and many other substances.
The chemical name of vitamin-D is ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol.

Properties of vitamin-D

  1. Fat-soluble
  2. Disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin-D is rickets and Osteomalacia or bones get soft.
  3. Best sources of vitamin-D are ultraviolet B (UVB) from sunlight or other sources helps in the production of vitamin-D.
When we sit in the sunlight then it falls on our skin. our skin synthesizes the vitamin-D. In research done by the ODS(office of dietary supplements) that vitamin -D keeps healthy our bones, muscles and nerves. It also enhances our immune system.
People who never get outdoor they may suffer from the deficiency of vitamin-D. no plants contain vitamin-D.
If you are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin-D you need to follow the points that are described below:
In a study, it has been proved that 50% of the total population of the world do not get enough sunlight. Mostly the us residents are deficient of vitamin-D. Because most of the people remain indoor. And also the western diet are low in vitamin-D.

Here are the  8 healthy sources that are rich in vitamin D.

1. Salmon

Do you know what is salmon?
Salmon is a popular fish which is the best source of vitamin-D.
In a research by USDA, only 100 gram of salmon contains 361 and 685 of IU of vitamin-D.
Most of the people do not seem salmon as the source of vitamin-D but this is the important source of vitamin-D.
Wild-caught salmon contains 988 IU of vitamin-D per 100 gram. Some of the salmon contains more than 1300 IU per 100 gram.   
But the farmed salmon contains only 25 per cent of the wild-caught salmon. And it provides 250 IU and 42 per cent of RDI.

2. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is the most important source of vitamin-D. Cod liver oil contains a lot of nutrients that are not present in other sources
It is the best source of vitamin D. It contains 450 IU per teaspoon and has  75% of RDI. This is used for many years to treat children who are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin-D.
Cod liver oil also contains vitamin-A and 90 % of RDI. But vitamins are toxic in high amounts
Therefore need to be conscious about in what amount you are taking it.
Cod liver oil also contains omega-3 fatty acids. many people have a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Herring and Sardines

In all over the world, people eat a variety of fish called Herring. People eat this as raw, canned, pickled and smoked.
This is the best source of vitamin-D.
In a study, it has been proved that Fresh herring from the Atlantic contains 1628 IU per 100gram. Which I really three times that of the RDI contains.
pickled herring provides 680 IU of vitamin-D per 100 gram 113% of the RDI. It also contains sodium in large amounts.
Sardines are also the best source of vitamin-D. It provides 272 IU or 45 % of RDI.
Halibut and mackerel provide 600 and 360 IU per 100gram respectively are the other sources of vitamin-D.

4. Canned Tuna

Since canned tuna has the best flavour and it can be stored easily so it is preferred mostly.
It can be brought in very cheap price as compared to the fresh fish.
Canned light tuna contains 236 IU of vitamin-D which is 50% of the RDI.    
It is also the best source of niacin and vitamin-k.
 canned tuna contains holds methylmercury, a toxic substance when it builds up in our body and may cause serious problems to health.
Yet, some fish do not much more toxic. So light tuna is best is the best choice.

5. Fortified Foods

As we know, vitamin-D is found less in natural substances. If you don’t like to eat fish or any non-veg material.
You may use fortified foods that contain vitamin-D.
Cow’s Milk
Cow’s milk is the best source of vitamin-D it contains calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin and many other nutrients.
In India, 95% of people drinks cow’s milk as the best source of vitamin.  
Most of the countries fortify milk with vitamin-D because it contains 130 IU of vitamin-D per 100 gram which is nearly equal to 22%of RDI.
It has been proved by the ODS that people who remain outside contains may not suffer from a deficiency of vitamin-D in the following context.
only from direct sunlight ae get vitamin-d .if a person sits in front of the window he would not get vitamin-D. Because from glass only radiations can pass.


It is the type of clam that lives in saltwater. Oysters are tasty and contain low calories and full of nutrients.
100 gram of wild oysters contains 320 IU of vitamin-D which is 50% of RDI and about  68% calories.
Oysters are also the source of vitamin-B12, copper, zinc and many other multivitamins.


Shrimp: It is the type of shellfish.
It is also the best source vitamin-D. it is really good for our health because it contains low fat.
Yet shrimps provides 152 IU per 100 gram which is equal to 25% of the RDI.
Shrimps are also the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, in low amounts most f the edible foods are excellent in vitamin-D.
Shrimp also contains 152 mg of cholesterol per 100gram. Which is significant for our body amount. however, this will not cause any harm to our body.
In a report by the US Department of Health and Human Services  proved that only cholesterol intake is not the reason for our health problems.you can eat a significant amount of cholesterol

8. Egg Yolks

Some people don’t like to eat seafood or fish. So we have another option for them.
Most of the protein found in in the albumin of the egg but mainly the fats vitamins and minerals found in egg yolk.
Studies have shown that indoor chickens contain 18-39 IU of vitamin-D which is not very high.
Yet, pasture-raised chickens that moves outside produces three to four times higher than that produced by the above.
Eggs produced from chickens contains more than 6000 IU of vitamin-D per yolk which is 10 times then the  RDI.

9. Mushrooms

If you don’t like to eat fortified foods you may eat mushrooms which is also the best source of vitamin-D.
Mushrooms also synthesizes vitamin-D from the sunlight as they grow in the presence of sunlight.
Mushrooms provides vitamin D2 and animals produces vitamin D3.
Vitamin D2 enhances the blood levels in the body not as much as vitamin D3.
Wild mushrooms are the best source of vitamin D2. Most of the varieties contain 2300 IU of vitamin-D which is four times than the RDI.
Mushrooms that are grown in dark for the commercial purpose contains small amount of D2.
Most of the varieties of mushrooms treated with the sunlight. These Mushrooms contains 130 to 450 IU of vitamin D2 per 100 gram. 
So, this post is really going to be more efficient for those who are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin-D.
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